Thursday, April 3, 2014

I have had an interestingly spiritual week. On Monday I went to see the new movie, Noah, starring Russel Crowe, with the ecumenical youth group this past Monday evening. We went to Charlie's for ice cream afterward, and had a conversation about it. It was interesting to watch the youth think about the questions posed to them by Pastor Derek. The question of punishment being placed on generations of children after the sins of the parents was brought up. One of the youth asked, "Why would God punish a child? That's not fair. It's not the child's fault that the parents did something wrong." Pastor Derek made note of a New Testament passage from John 9:1-5. "As he walked along he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' Jesus answered, 'Neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God's works might be revealed in him. We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.'" The passage spoke to me, and I took it to mean, bad things happen to people. It is simply the way of this broken world where people are given choice. The choice to hurt others and take what they need at all costs. The choice to make peace and treat others with love and kindness. The choice to ride a bike without a helmet away from where mom said you could ride your bike. Bad things happen. People are born blind, or crippled. People struggle with depression, or autism. Life can be struggle after struggle, and it can be terrible and it can also be beautiful. The bottom line is, this man was born blind just because. The part that struck me was, "he was born blind so that God's works might be revealed in him." In other words, his faith and his healing is an example of God's love and power to work in our lives. So perhaps, my journey of pain and grief can be turned around and can be changed into a story of strength, healing and hope and how God has worked in my life. I do hope that God can use me to help other people along their journey through this mixed up, broken world. If that is the case, then God can take what is horrible and painful, and turn it around to work hope and love into the world through my story. God's love and power (God's works) can be revealed in my story and journey. A truly humbling and hopeful notion. "God's works might be revealed in him" God's works might be revealed in my story... Thank you for speaking to me through the people I come in contact with and through your Word, God. Continue to guide me, Lord. I trust you, I love you. I'll do my best to listen for your voice. Amen

1 comment:

  1. I love you Cyndi! Thank you for this... it helped me smile this weekend!


Andrew and Alexandra, Spring 2009

Andrew and Alexandra, Spring 2009

Andrew snoozing on stairs

Andrew snoozing on stairs
zzzzz 02-18-09


Starting 2nd Grade 2007


starting kindergarten 2007

Mischevious Chrismas Elves

Mischevious Chrismas Elves
Christmas 2008

Andrew and Alexandra

Andrew and Alexandra

Cyndi and her mom, May 1997

Cyndi and her mom, May 1997

Gene and his mom May 1997

Gene and his mom May 1997