Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This is a picture of the momma duck that has decided to nest in our backyard. The kids discovered her the other day sitting by the stone wall and thought she was dying from the heat since she was panting... (she was actually hissing at them it turns out.) They placed a chair over her and draped a tarp over it to help keep the sun off. It was very cute. Later we discovered that she was actually nesting, not dying and that she has eggs there. I admonished the kiddos to stay away from her or she might get spooked and decide to abandon her nest and her eggs would die. She must be one brave little mommy duck, or else very foolish to build a nest in such a busy yard with kids and a dog. I hope she decides to stay! I'm hoping to document the whole thing from nest to babies. What a special treat to be able to witness it in our own backyard! In this picture taken with my phone, I had to get rather close since my phone doesn't zoom in. Momma duck was not impressed with this and she puffed right up and started to hiss... didn't know ducks could hiss! The other wildlife we've been able to witness is a mother hen and her eight chicks that have been wandering around our yard and the neighbor's yard. She nested right under the next door neighbor's porch. No one knows who she belongs to, but my neighbor has been giving her grain and such to eat. We also are enjoying many garter snakes around the front and back yards. They are so neat to watch. We did lose two baby robins this spring thanks to my curious tree climbing boys. Next spring I will be sure to keep them out of the juniper tree in the back since the robins seem to really love it to nest in. Well, new life is bursting forth all over our little piece of heaven here. Matthew and I are tending 4 tomato plants in the front garden and I attempted a container garden this year that I think came out rather well. (See the picture under momma duck.) We're planning on going camping this coming weekend for the 4th of July with some friends from Lava Hot Springs, ID--Mike Hobbie and his sister, JoAnn Murphy. Gene's been stoked getting the camper all ready to go. Well, I'd better sign off for now. Hugs to you all!

1 comment:

  1. NEAT new format Cynn! How did you do it? And when did you do it? I've been thinking about doing it myself here soon too! LOVE LOVE LOVE the duckie story! Keep us posted! Love you!


Andrew and Alexandra, Spring 2009

Andrew and Alexandra, Spring 2009

Andrew snoozing on stairs

Andrew snoozing on stairs
zzzzz 02-18-09


Starting 2nd Grade 2007


starting kindergarten 2007

Mischevious Chrismas Elves

Mischevious Chrismas Elves
Christmas 2008

Andrew and Alexandra

Andrew and Alexandra

Cyndi and her mom, May 1997

Cyndi and her mom, May 1997

Gene and his mom May 1997

Gene and his mom May 1997