Friday, July 10, 2009

We had a fantastic time at Oneida Resevoir near Preston, ID. My brother Jeremy showed up and it was a weekend long party time! The kids had a ball playing in the lake and we enjoyed great food, (fresh caught fried fish anyone?) and great friends and family. Jeremy was really great with the kids, and he and his new dog, Bear, were loads of fun. The only thing missing was my sister, Kymmie, and her hubby and girls. Having them there with us would have made it perfection. We're planning on going camping, just the 6 Reddigs, this weekend. We'll either go to Hyrum Resevoir so we can swim some more, or we'll go to Guinavah, Malibu Campground in the canyon and do some hiking. (Lord knows my waistline could do with some hiking, lol.)
I went out to check on Momma duck yesterday and it turns out she was off the nest getting some food for herself. I posted a picture of her three eggs. Later in the evening Gene went out to mow the lawn and said he couldn't see her at all. I was worried that maybe the lawn mower freaked her out so I went to see the nest. She wasn't on it and it looked like the eggs were gone. Upon closer inspection we found that the eggs were under a cover of feathers and grass, still nice and toasty warm. Don't worry, I only moved the nest material a tiny bit to be sure there were still eggs there and then beat a hasty retreat after covering them back up. When I went out to check this morning, sure enough, there was momma duck sitting on her nest again. Phew! I was so glad to see her! I feel quite protective of those eggs and their momma. (Must be the momma in me, hahaha.) Anyway, I hope this post finds all of you happy, healthy and content. I feel blessed with the life God has granted me, humbled and grateful!


  1. By all reports the weekend at Oneida was great - I only take exception with the comment that the only thing missing was Kymmie!

  2. oops. my bad. you're right, perfection would have had all of us together!

  3. She just meant that she missed me MOM! Not that she didn't miss you!!! hahaha Thanks Cynn I, too, miss you guys a lot... but NO it doesn't mean move out there! hahaha Just kidding! Up late again - so I better get to bed... love you!! LOTS!!! ALL OF YOU!!!


Andrew and Alexandra, Spring 2009

Andrew and Alexandra, Spring 2009

Andrew snoozing on stairs

Andrew snoozing on stairs
zzzzz 02-18-09


Starting 2nd Grade 2007


starting kindergarten 2007

Mischevious Chrismas Elves

Mischevious Chrismas Elves
Christmas 2008

Andrew and Alexandra

Andrew and Alexandra

Cyndi and her mom, May 1997

Cyndi and her mom, May 1997

Gene and his mom May 1997

Gene and his mom May 1997