Sunday, January 27, 2013

(in the Christian religion) an annual season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter, beginning on Ash Wednesday and lasting 40 weekdays to Easter, observed by Roman Catholic, Anglican, and certain other churches.

before 1000; Middle English lente ( n ), Old English lencten, lengten spring, Lent, literally, lengthening (of daylight hours); cognate with Dutch lente, German Lenz spring;
As I was contemplating what to write for this coming season of Lent, I decided to look up the meaning of Lent. gave me the above definition. I do like to take time to prepare for Easter. For me, Lent is a time of reflection. A time to take stock in my faith and blessings. (I'm certain that a little fasting wouldn't hurt my figure at all as well.) I didn't realize that Lent means the lengthening of daylight hours. Just as for Advent we are preparing for Christ's birth into the world, during Lent we are preparing for Christ's victory over death, Christ overcoming the darkness, just as Spring conquers Winter. The road to the cross was a painful, difficult journey at the end. I find that my own life has had many difficult burdens to bear. My son died at the tender age of 5, leaving my heart aching to see him grow up, always wondering what he would be like. Now I have lost my brother, and words escape me. I know it won't do me any good to ask "Why?" because there is no answer to this question. Why do horrible things happen to good people? I just don't know, but I do know this: Jesus loved me so very much that He was willing to walk up that hill, carrying the cross He was to die on so that I might conquer death as well. Bad things happen to good people, simply because we live in a broken world. I take comfort in the fact that Christ is right there with me when those terrible things happen, to comfort and love me. Jesus wants to be included in my journey. He wants to dance and sing with me when wonderful things happen, and I think He must weep right along with me when my heart is breaking. Thank you God, for loving me so much and for being with me on my walk through this life You gave me. In spite of it all, I am blessed for having Jesus as my Savior. Amen.

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